I started wearing vintage almost half a century ago!!!!

Mainly because it was available to me clothing from the past decades hanging right there in my grandma and mom's huge closets. I was fascinated by the prints, colors, the craftsman ship and the different designs. (and a little bit by the smell, as I still am to this day)

Since I was a little girl I've always loved clothes however money was tight and honestly we rarely bought anything new in a real clothing store. My mom was a skilled seamstress and made beautiful stuff for both herself, my brother and I. We often matched. Her in a dress, me in a skirt and my brother in shorts all made from the same piece of fabric. (my dad often had a bowtie of the scraps)

I loved the uniqueness of my wardrobe and the fashion forward feel, since she got the patterns out of Burda Magasin (the great German fashion pattern magazine) which was always a season ahead of the store selection in Denmark. I was teased endlessly but nonetheless I felt fab.

As I grew a little older still in elementary school I dived into the closets of my grandma and mom. I took no notice of what was in fashion/on trend at the moment but picked out what I liked. I wore it with pride and loved it to bits.

When I got into high school (still not having much money) I started roaming through all the wonderful thrift stores in my area. Back then you could find amazing pieces since very few people ever went to a second hand store. This is the late 80s.

I moved to Copenhagen and went to the few private flea markets in my area and found my wardrobe. (still no money)

Nowadays I mostly buy my clothing in second hand stores on my travels abroad. The selection there is wider and not so trend oriented as in DK. And I find that so liberating and appealing.

To me the power of vintage clothing is beyond the current trends and fashion. Wearing vintage clothing to me is a matter of standing out and being unique and to go in an opposite direction and dictation of the establish fashion world. To make something your own and own it. It is wild, fun, corny and crazy. It is personal and a statement. Of late I find that the concept of vintage has taken a turn to being mainstream and a slave to fast fashion and current trends and it breaks my heart.

Being me when everybody goes midi I go mini, when everybody goes floral I will go solid, when everybody is wearing pastels I will be wearing brights, but that is just me feeling the power of vintage.

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