We have had such a busy summer and I can't believe how fast it went by.

We have done a lot of traveling , seen so many beautiful places, found so much pretty vintage and fulfilled a couple of dreams along the way.

Even though the calendar soon will turn the page to fall we still hang on to some late summer pieces in our showroom. Remember you can always throw  a sweater or a blazer over your summer dress to take it into fall, to get value for your money and prolong the wear of your favorite summer piece.

"Meet and Greet" in September will be at Veras Market at Bispeengbuen on the 1st of September (this upcoming Sunday) where we have selected all our favorite late summer pieces (full priced) and the best of our last season vintage (good priced) We will also be selling second hand (many pieces new and unused) and much more. 

Later on in September we will have an open house event in our showroom where we introduce our FAB Fall Selection. We have so many wonderful pieces ready for this event. Date will be announced on our facebook page and on instagram.

You are always welcome to book a showing in our showroom which is located in Dragør. We are very flexible regarding opening hours.

Looking forward to seeing you, Mia and co.


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